
Solar PV panels for universities and the educational sector.

Experts in renewable energy

Solar panels for universities

Solarsense provide a turnkey supply, installation and maintenance service for university solar panels and offer a range of finance options, including 100% asset finance and a competitive power purchase agreement (PPA).

Having installed solar panels on a number of university buildings throughout the UK, including University of Nottingham, Bath, Exeter and the West of England (UWE), Solarsense are the perfect partner to help your school reduce its overheads, lower its carbon footprint and provide an invaluable teaching resource for staff and pupils.

Universities, the perfect match for solar panels

Expansive roof space, enormous day time electricity use and a valuable teaching resource – just a few reasons as to why commercial solar PV panels are the perfect match for universities.

Universities often have a number of large un-utilised roof spaces such as sports halls, which offer an ideal opportunity to generate renewable energy. As well as offering a means to significantly reducing day time energy costs, solar PV offers a means to slashing carbon emissions, creating an engaging teaching resource and ‘greening’ a universities’ image.

Power purchase agreements for universities

Solarsense has partnered with the UK’s leading financial institutions to provide universities with a free, fully maintained solar PV system via our power purchase agreement (PPA).

A PPA offers an effective means to reaping the benefits of solar PV without having to take on the responsibilities of being a solar system owner-operator.  A PPA also satisfies universities that would prefer to reinvest their funds into core educational resources or activities.

No upfront costs or ongoing fees means that opting for a power purchase agreement your university will begin to make savings from day one and continue to benefit for the full term of the agreed term.


How can solar panels benefit my university?

  • Significantly reduce energy costs

    Spend money on educational and recreational programmes, not on energy.

  • Improve education and engagement

    Communicate the benefits of sustainability through a working example of renewable technology.

  • Save money whilst protecting our planet

    Utilise clean, renewable energy to offset your schools carbon footprint and reduce your pollution.

  • Secure your future energy

    Pre-purchase electricity at a fixed unit price, forecast your long-term energy costs and protect your university against future increases in utility prices.

  • Achieve a healthy ROI

    A typical solar panel system will provide free electricity for more than 25 years and pay back installation costs within 6-8 years.

  • Create a competitive advantage

    Visibly promote your green initiatives, improve reputation and strengthen relationships with staff, pupils and stakeholders.

Everything you need to make an informed decision

Are there grants available for businesses to install solar panels?
There are often grants available for installing renewable technologies. Please contact us for more information as to what is available.
Can my business continue to operate during a solar panel installation?
Yes, in most cases installing solar panels will not affect your business operating as normal. For obvious reason we advise that schools, academies and other educational institutes install their solar PV system outside of term times if possible.
How are solar panels fixed to my roof? Will they cause damage?
Solar panels are typically mounted on a rail system that is fixed to the roof. A solar PV system is designed to maintain the strength and integrity of your roof, whilst remaining watertight.

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Where we’ve increased environmental sustainability

University of Nottingham

This award-winning solar PV system combines 666 traditional roof mounted solar panels and 22 bespoke building integrated solar photovoltaics (BIPV), in the form of semi-transparent glass roof lights.



of clean energy per year

University of the West of England

Following the financial success of their first system, UWE returned to Solarsense to design and install a further two solar PV arrays for their Frenchay campus.



of clean energy per year